Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Seek and you will find...

Today while I had a wee bit of time to "look", I decided to stop at the new local antiques store and another really great one that has been around a while. I'm always on the look out for antique canning jars, I'm also collecting antique kitchen... tools? I already had three really nice jars, a really old biscuit cutter, a rolling pin, potato masher, a dipper, and an enamel funnel so my collection is growing. Check out my finds!

For about $39 I found.... a really pretty tin (?) vegetable bowl with fruit on the outside. Two antique Ball jars with solid metal lids, a really ... odd canning jar with glass top and metal pull down tabs, a pyrex (?) glass vegetable dish, an antique hand seive, TWO beaters which I JUST LOVE, and two vegetable market baskets (okay so they were only 25 cents each and totally not antiques but I liked them). Great day for "looking."

AND those wonderful chics over at SITS are giving away an ADORABLE handbag so go enter.... or... don't (might make me have a chance to win LOL)...

Wordless (okay almost) Wednesday

This past weekend, my son, his fiance, my daughter, my sister, and I repainted quite a bit of my house. I just love a yellow kitchen. It's a pale yellow and just looks so ..... happy! I've "rediscovered" some of my favorite things in the process...

I collect antique canning jars. (okay so I just started and only have three but I love those three old jars) I also LOVE the little Yorkie shown here!
My foyer looks so... crisp with its new barely offwhite coat of paint.

Monday, June 30, 2008

My first meme

This is the One Word Meme.

1. Where is your cell phone? desk

2. Your significant other? hubby

3. Your hair? long

4. Your mother? strong

5. Your father? firm

6. Your favorite thing? sleep

7. Your dream last night? didn't

8 Your favorite drink? Mt Dew

9. Your dream/goal? Ireland

10. The room you’re in? fresh

11. Your hobby? reading

12. Your fear? loss

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? happy

14. What you’re not? pushover

15. Muffins? yummy

16. One of your wish list items? vacation

17. Where you grew up? Georgia

18. The last thing you did? cleaned

19. What are you wearing? comfy

20. Favorite Gadget? cell

21. Your pets? spoiled

22. Your computer? slow

23. Your mood? tired

24. Missing someone? yep

25. Your car? Malibu

26. Something you’re not wearing? rings

27. Favorite store? bookstore

28. Like someone? uh huh

29. Your favorite color? purple

30. When was the last time you laughed? today

31. Last time you cried? dunno


Six unimportant things about me:

1. I am in need of a highlights and a manicure.
2. I love taking pictures!
3. I'm extremely excited about the party we will host for my family on Friday.
4. I just started work on my Master's degree.
5. I love to read.
6. I own more books than I do clothes.

Now, according to the rules I have to tag six more folks to play along. I'm not usually one to tag people, but what the heck. If you don't want to do it, no problem!

The rules are as follows:
1. Link back to the person that tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. Share six unimportant things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your entry.