Saturday, July 19, 2008

SITS Giveaway

Those darlings over at SITS are having another giveaway. This week it's an adorable red digital camera and since I lost mine a few weeks ago (and haven't told DH yet) I REALLY need to win this one! Go comment and enter for your chance to win this cute little cam. away from me!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Summer Swap!

Okay ya'll... don't be jealous... but I had one of the best swap partners! Imagine my delight when I retrieved the mail today and found this...

NOOOOOOO, not the dregs of my vanilla bean frap.... the box sillies! I have to say... I tried to wait to open it... I tried to enjoy the thrill of anticipation.... I tried.... almost... but...didn't wait!

Becki was my swap partner, I knew when I opened the box--- she's just ADORABLE! Something old, something new, something previously owned (& BLUE!) too cute!

Becki sent me a really, really cute glass door plaque with daisies on it (I LOVE daises and she said this was her something old). A WONDERFUL christian music CD, something previously owned (her nephew is the singer and the boy is TALENTED, I'm listening to it as I blog now...) and a beautiful bookmark that has a silver mediallan that says Delight and has a sand dollar charm. (It's really really pretty).

Soooooo.... take a book what I did!

I immediately put the adorable daisy plaque on my freshly painted door! Ain't that just the cutest!?!?!
And replaced my Citibank payment (which was either waiting for me to finish reading the book so it could be mailed & fulfill it's real purpose in life ((DUH to allow me to charge MORE stuff)) or loose it). I LOVE my things! Thanks so much Becki!

You can check out the Summer Swap participants at: