Monday, August 25, 2008

Rain, rain, go aw......... OMG It's raining bigtime

Ok so sometimes, I'm a little slow on the intake.... we are "officially" in a state of drought... it does rain... some... not for long... not a lot so it's not overly an "event" when it does rain. We wish for it... hope for it... pray for it... and today... well, thanks to Fay... it came...

for all of about 45 glorious minutes.

It rained really, really hard...and just when I thought it was setting in for good... it stopped as suddenly as it arrived. Supposedly we are in for a few more of these in the days to come!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Things about me....

I just saw a posting on a really cool blog that featured "100 things about me" it was quite interesting.... good self-reflection. I considered it... thought about it... reflected on it... and decided that: 1. you would be bored after the first 20 2. I would be bored after the first 25 3. I am entiredly too ADD for it so I'm starting my list... over time.. it may or may not hit 100...

1. I am so very... anal retentive.. oh wait that's the "old term" isn't it... okay I'm... OCD
2. I try really hard NOT to be OCD but.. just.. can't
3. I am SO jazzed about making an A on my first Master's class
4. I have not set a precidence by making an A on said class and have now put myself under even more pressure to continue the beginning of (hopefully) a trend
5. I read approximately 200 books a year (novels, not counting the "storybooks I read to my class")
6. I ADORE my classroom, I think it's the greatest one in the world, that said I ADORE my students... each year... every year... they are THE best... okay, I know you think "yours" are and your classroom is... sorry.... you are wrong (giggle)
7. I take things VERY personally, I think the words "Don't take this personally" are from the devil and should not be allowed in the English language.
8. I get insomina VERY often, entirely TOO often.
9. I can "do without" lots of things... sleep is not one of those things.
10. I get mad because my favorite authors take so durn long to write another book after I've just finished their latest offering.
11. I think there are angels on earth. (I believe that some of those angels have attended school in Special Education classrooms.)
12. I HATE that my backspace key does not work on my desktop computer! When I highlight something and it backspace... HELLO it should go away... (I know people who are the same way.... "How can I miss you if you won't go away" syndrome)
13. I LOVE, adore, collect, amass unusual "stuff" okay not really unusual "stuff" but like ordinary stuff but .... unique forms of it. For instance, I have probably no less than 50 different unique post-it pads in my desk drawer. They have their own little... thingie that holds them. Candy Land, Mickey Mouse, Scrabble, Maxine, etc... I also like cool pens and pencils... (everyone has their own weirdness)
14. I hate, abhor, detest having my picture taken, I do, however, love to take pictures of other people.

to be continued later.... perhaps... maybe not...