Monday, August 25, 2008

Rain, rain, go aw......... OMG It's raining bigtime

Ok so sometimes, I'm a little slow on the intake.... we are "officially" in a state of drought... it does rain... some... not for long... not a lot so it's not overly an "event" when it does rain. We wish for it... hope for it... pray for it... and today... well, thanks to Fay... it came...

for all of about 45 glorious minutes.

It rained really, really hard...and just when I thought it was setting in for good... it stopped as suddenly as it arrived. Supposedly we are in for a few more of these in the days to come!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I know I'm late in touching base.. but I wanted to say THANK YOU so much for playing in the contest on my baking blog!

Tomorrow the judges will get their tally sheets, and I'll have the results posted by monday! GOOD LUCK!