Friday, June 6, 2008

Must Reads for Summer...

I LOOOOOVEEEEE reading books, I spend entirely TOO much money on books (though I consider them a wise investment, not only am I supporting the art but when I get older and my Alzheimer's sets in I can totally read them again for the first time!), they are my guilty pleasure, my escape, did I mention I love to read? There is something special about books read during the summer. ((Footnote I TOTALLY just deleted half my post and now can't get my blog groove back EGADS!!! I was probably getting too wordy anyway)) I am reading and have read several really good books in the past two weeks since my summer vacation started. I read all kinds of books but what I call "Southern Fiction" is without a doubt my fav. I call them Southern Fiction because either the writer is from the South or can fake it really well. ((Special Note:: I can't think of much that aggrivates me more than to be reading a book set in the South and the poor writer can't pull off the authentic Southern... dialect. For example in one sentence I read "Hey ya'll, want to go grab a pop?" I was like.. uhhhh... Okay I know they call Coke (soda) pop up North but... this story is set in the South and since the character said "YA'LL" he sure has the dickens wouldn't say POP! So if you are a writer and bless your heart you weren't born in the South, haven't visited here enough to pull off the dialect or haven't found a new friend who was unfortunate enough to move away from HERE to THERE so you don't know how we really talk... don't try to do it... ya can't. TV doesn't do it justice. It's something you have to experience first hand you can't just throw a ya'll in there and expect someone born & raised in middle Georgia to believe it. Now back to the good stuff)) I also like mysteries (ie Patricia Cornwell & James Patterson right off hand are my ab. favs for mysteries). So THE list... the ones you simply gotta read before you return to your classroom... or... bless your heart... your job on Monday...

Deep Dish by Mary Kay Andrews (okay she totally has the true Southern thing For REAL)
- I'm biased about her... I've loved all of her books thus far.. can't pick a favorite they are all
fabulous! I'm almost half finished with this book and am loving it.
Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah was really cute
Life's A Beach by Claire Cook was good. It's a short read and easily finished in a weekend.
Twenty Wishes by Debbie Macomber If you like her books you'll LOVE this one. I think it's the best so far.

So... when I spent... uh... well... way more than my set book allowance for the month.. no.. uh... the WEEK I ONLY have two books remaining. One I won't mention because I'm TOTALLY second guessing that purchase and the other that I'm anticipating which is Things I Want My Daughters to Know by Elizabeth Noble. I don't think I've read anything by her before but then again... maybe I have... I've bought the same exact book three times before only to realize... I've read this book... still have it and loved it the first time. One of the many bad things about being at least a little ADD and a little bit more OCD is when I begin reading a book, I MUST finish it.. even if I'm miserable while reading it... I just... gotta!

Happy Reading!

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